I came up with this rear type of sight with elevation only.
Brass tubing attached to the base with a 6-32 US thread screw in the center.
A spring surrounds that base tube and pushes up on the slider tube.
The slider can move up or down about 1/4 inch.
The thumb nut pushes the slider down against the spring, hopefully holding it in place.
The loop keeps the 22MAG peep tube pointing forward.
Left Side, Full Up Position.

Left Side, Full Down Position
Left Rear, Full Down Position

Left Rear, Full Up Position
Rear View, through the 22MAG case, as a rear peep sight.
Pulling down on the slider spring shows the inner base tube.
Reminds me of Steam Punk stuff.
Here is another one, this is fun.
This sight has been designed to fit at the rear of "Underhammer Pistol, in progress".
Rear View.
It needs a lot of cleaning and polishing, it is rough.
Slider is positioned a bit higher, near the top of movement.
Here are the pieces.
Sight tube is a 22MAG brass that was picked up at the shooting range. Screw is 6-32 US thread.
Slider tube is larger than base tube. Base tube and slider tubes are soldered with low temperature silver plumbers solder, the rest with soft solder. Spring came from an assortment box from the hardware store.
The reason for the curly sight tube arm is for small bending amounts to align this sight tube to the front sight.
Front - Left Side View.
Sight tube is almost at the bottom of its movement.
Rear - Left Side View.
There is room for tick marks on the outside of the slide guide panel.
Here is number three, this should be all for a while.
Rear View.
Front View.
.22 MAG brass for sight tube.
6-32 US screw for adjustment.
Comments are welcomed.
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