Nov/16/2016: Pan Added
Nov/17/2016: Bridle Added.
Nov/18/2016: Main Spring added.
Nov/19/2016: Main Spring Installed, Hammer too.
Nov/22/2016: Sear spring, etc.
Nov/23/2016: Frizzen Spring, not pictured.
Nov/28/2016: Half-Cock Notch, Top Jaw.
Dec/04/2016: Frizzen.
I will start with this teaching in mind:
And these images:
1: A general shape.
I like the pan and frizzen, etc. Not so much on the hammer.
2: A composite shape.
This one I like a lot, especially the hammer.
The forward flat above the frizzen spring will be taller but I'll see as this goes along.

The plate (Right Hand) and the tumbler. Red lines should be the main spring arc.
A note is that I am in no way as accomplished as these locks are but my attempt is for a functioning lock and all of the learning that this build will bring along.
Pan Added, soldered on, plumbers solder.
Frizzen area not finished.
Red marking pen for checking fit of tumbler.
Bridle, 3 screws. Needs trimming and "prettying".
Other side.
I was reducing the diameter of the bridle side of the tumbler only to discover (to my horror) that I was reducing the hammer end. This tumbler is a new one. Hammer side is 5/16 inch and the bridle side is 1/4 inch diameters.
Saw Blades for $1.00, local garage sale.
I chose this one. The flat edge is where I cut the material for the main spring.
Main Spring added.
Garage Sale here local, found a 2 inch pile of 6 and 8 inch table saw blades, mostly old. Bought the pile for $1.00. Cut a strip from one that looked good and made this spring. At this stage it's 0.062 inches thick and 3/8 inches wide at the bend. I may have to: Either move the spring down or Grind it narrower to clear any barrel.
Hammer, obviously not finished.

Main spring in new lower hole, shortened the springs toe.
The bridle needs the standoffs for the two upper screws.
Hammer with a new floor, partly brazed.
That coffin shaped floor mod will get redone to lower the angle of the jaw.
Hammer screw is 6-32 thread, a temporary screw. Will be changing all screws for the correct lengths.
Sear spring added, at rest. A 4-40 screw holds it down, not visible here but it's under the bridle.
Added the bridle standoffs (spacers) under the two top bridle screws.
While bending the sear leg, it broke off. Brazed it back together.
Full Cock (only) for now and it works.
Half-Cock Notch.
Top Jaw.
Top jaw is a bit large.
Ordered two frizzens from Old South Firearms. Not in the mood to make frizzens from 1095 or old files as I don't have a forge or anvil as yet.
Frizzen Added.
New old stock, from Old South Firearms.
Comments Welcomed
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