It consists of a DOM (Drawn Over Mandrel, no welds or seams) 1 inch barrel with a .50 inch bore.
Barrel Cost is about $1 US per inch.
A walnut stock, a free reject, from a website that sells better ones for $35.00 US.
Underhammer action with a floating trigger guard which is only held at the rear, behind the trigger.
Shown at half-cock.
Scope is 32x4, inexpensive of course.
This smooth bore barrel is surprisingly accurate, hits whatever you aim at.
Front wood stock is held in place (by friction) with two brass bands having two screws at the bottom face through the wood.
A closer view.
How the scope rail is mounted, on two separate blocks soldered to the barrel. Barrel is held in place with those two 10-32 US thread button-head screws right behind the barrel. I suppose that if another caliber was wanted the barrel could be removed and replaced.
A closer view of the trigger guard. The action is a teeter-totter type, a separate sear. Those two visible stock screws (top right edge of picture) also hold the trigger guard in place. Somehow the camera reports the trigger as rusted, not true.
25 yds, .490 RB, 50gr FFFg (777), blue ticking patch.
Top target was for sighting the scope. Bottom target was for testing the scope.

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